Monday, December 14, 2015

Adhikara: Studentship and the Qualifications of a Student

Every time I feel my life getting out of sync, my relationships straining, my mind growing foggy, and my body experiencing density and lethargy I am working diligently not to instantly go to blame of external circumstances. Things such as the city is so busy, the moon is so full, that person is such an energetic vampire and all the other S*^% New Girls Say. But to first ask myself, “what is the quality and the energy of my studentship?”, or my Adhikara. In Sanskrit Adhikara translates to authority and ownership of one’s own life, choices and development. And although adhikara is one’s competency at being a dedicated spiritual student it demands a strong level of personal authority and agency. Adhikara is the place where we are continually tending to our ground within so when the teachings come, they can sprout and grow. I am training myself to respond to friction and provocation with first questioning, what is the nature of my studentship and discipline lately? Am I being an easy and receptive student? What is the quality of my movement and my breath? Am I sitting in a way that honors the Spirit within?

Here is a sequence to build commitment, studentship and discipline.

Urdhva Hastasana
Urdhva Baddhanguliyasana
Paschima Baddha Hastasana ( arms behind the back holding the elbows)
Paschima Namaskarasana (hands behind the back)
Adho Mukha Svanasana
Utthita Trikonasana
Virabhadrasana II
Utthita Parsvakonasana
Ardha Chandrasana
Adho Mukha Svanasana
Adho Mukha Vrksasana
*Pinca Mayurasana
Parsva Sirsasana
Bharadvajasana II
Setu Bandha Sarvangasana
(w/Eka Pada variation)
  1. beautiful dharma and philosophy and great sequence but why does this sequence in particular address commitment, studentship and discipline? Also, would be good to know timings. For instance if halasana is held for a while, you wouldn't want to drop into setu bandha sarvangasana


  1. I love that you really are digging deeper beyond the asana practice. Really good work :)

  2. Good Dharma talk. Adhikara relates to so many things and can work nicely into a sequence on many levels. --Denise

  3. It is so easy to blame the moon and external circumstances to what is happening to us, although sometimes we are influenced by the external energy if we are not solid within!

  4. but the city is busy! and the moon is full! and the vampires….great dharma talk . i love the idea of tending to the ground within, vampires and all

  5. So important to look within first rather than to blame external forces. Perhaps a pranayama/meditation component would be nice to turn the focus inwards and to quiet the mind.

  6. I love this Dharma talk. Humble and grounding. Very much appreciated.

  7. What is the nature of my studentship lately? Sheer brilliance! I'm going to ask myself that more regularly!

  8. Honing studentship: essence of teaching. Tx

  9. Yes, it is so easy to blame circumstances. Such an important reminder and I also love the idea of checking in on one's receptivity. That is so powerful. Thank you.

  10. Great question - what is the nature of my studentship lately? I too am going to ask myself. Thank you!

  11. This points out to me that I always need to remain teachable. Thanks

  12. Really a timely thing for me to remember as I prepare for this weekend: open to full studentship.Thank you.
